

A Tribute to Professor Pius Adesanmi

I have been devasted since the news of Professor Pius Adesanmi’s heart-rending death in the Nairobi-bound Ethiopian Airline which crashed shortly afte

Clara Zetkin’s campaign and the Nigerian woman

Yesterday Friday March 8, 2019 was marked as International Women’s Day (IWD). For more than a century, people around the world have been marking 8 Mar

President Buhari: The triumph of good

With sincere gratitude to Allah (SWT), I say ‘Alf Mabruk’ to President Muhammadu Buhari over his victory in the February 23, 2019 presidential electio

‘The guilty are afraid’

Readers who are familiar with tittles of some popular detective fictions of 1970s and 1980s would recall “The guilty are afraid” as the title of a 195

As Nigerians propose, God disposes

Today, Saturday February 16, 2019, is historic in Nigeria’s political history. It is the day when the All Progressives Congress (APC) which was once a