

United Nations Arabic Language day

The United Nations (UN) Arabic Language Day for this year comes up next week Tuesday, December 18, 2018. The event was established by the UN Education

Coping with Nigeria’s youthful population

As societies evolve, the problems faced by the youth are equally evolving. The key issues faced by the youth in this century can be said to be largely

This is wishful thinking

The Senate recently passed bills for the establishment of five polytechnics, two universities, two colleges of education and one institute of technolo

Anything worth doing

In the past one week, I had reason to pray in different mosques and behind different Imams (prayer leaders) in different locations. In the course of t

Demobilizing the devil

In spite of how death has in recent times and more ever than before become so unpredictable, the excessive and brazen  manner in which many of us go a