

A path with no obstacles?

“Nothing”, they say, “comes with ease”. There is no time when this adage could be real than now when so many factors have made life more complex and c

Happiness within adversities

The society in which man lives today is not the same as the traditional one that existed fifty years back. His traditional society, which transformed

Re: “No! No one sees the Prophet’s grave”

Reactions to last week’s piece on this page were overwhelming. Some of the reactions which were received as messages through the GSM phone number and

“No! No one sees the Prophet’s grave”

The title of today’s piece as appeared above in quotes was the response to one of the questions I asked the Director of the Exhibition Center located

As one of the guests of the Custodian (III)

Tuesday August 21, 2018 which was equivalent to 10th Dhul-Hijjah 1439AH was the Eidul-Kabir day. We left our tent in Mina to throw seven pebbles at th