

As one of the guests of the Custodian (III)

Tuesday August 21, 2018 which was equivalent to 10th Dhul-Hijjah 1439AH was the Eidul-Kabir day. We left our tent in Mina to throw seven pebbles at th

As one of the guests of the Custodian (II)

After taking lunch at the restaurant of Casablanca hotel, our lodge in Makkah, we observed Zuhr prayer and rested in our rooms. Our three square meals

As one of the guests of the Custodian (I)

As airlift of Nigerian pilgrims to Saudi Arabia for the 2018 hajj exercise began with the inaugural flight that took off on Saturday July 21st, 2018 a

As 1439AH ends, 1440AH begins

By Allah’s grace, we are once again at the close of anther Islamic Year, 1439AH, which is due to end in a few days’ time. Its end shall mark the begin

The evil of sycophancy

As a modern means of survival in Nigeria, the art of sycophancy is becoming widespread in modern times. Very many of us today are dexterous sycophants