

Of Saraki, the Senate, and posterity

As a stakeholder in the Nigeria Project and member of the Nigerian 6th senate from 2007 to 2011, I am not only passionate but also very concerned abou

The plight of lunatics

No matter our predicaments, frustrations and discontents at any given moment of our life, we are surrounded by scenes and events that readily remind u

The course of destiny

The belief that whatever happens to one is determined by fate is called “destiny”. Belief in destiny, whether good or bad, is one of the s

The wages of impunity

Impunity simply entails freedom from the injurious consequences of an action. It is impunity in action when a person who enjoys exemption from the rep

The virtues in wisdom

No matter an individual’s wealth of knowledge, he requires wisdom in order to be called a scholar. Whether political, socio-economic, intellectu