

Trump’s ‘assault’ against peace in the Middle East

Following therecent visit by Israel’s Netanyahu to America’s Trump, the long hope for a solution to the Middle East crisis would seem to h

Still on substandard imported products

  The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Chief Audu Ogbeh, revealed last week thateighty percent of tomato pastes imported into the co

A day to meet God

  No matter man’s choice of path, there is a day to meethis creator, Allah (SWT); that is the day to give account of his deeds. It was in f

Lake Rice: How to make your ideas stick

  Do you want your ideas to stick around and be remembered?  Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, a community leader, a youth leader, a

In Turkey, an irrational fear of someone else’s popularity

  January last month, Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan made an official visit to the Tanzanian President John Magufuli in the city of Dar es