

Photos: Buhari commissions Kaduna dry port

President Muhammadu Buhari thursday commissions the Kaduna Inland Dry Port in Kakuri, Kaduna. A dry port is an inland intermodal terminal directly con

Ronald shares photo of his numerous awards

Real Madrid player, Cristiano Ronaldo shared a photo of himself and his numerous award which he dedicated to his family, coaches and fans. In a Facebo

photos Buhari

 Not Fewer than 11 worshipers were killed and dozens injured when a bomber blew up self accco Buhari smiling      Not Fewer than 1

Osun Free Train ride returns holidaymakers

 Holidaymakers boarding Lagos bound Osun Free Train ride in Osogbo after the New Year celebrations today, Tuesday 02-01-2018.

Osun: Aregbesola”s wife splashes gift on 2018 First Baby

Osun State Governor’s wife, Mrs Sherifat Aregbesola as customary welcomed the first baby in the state born in 2018 with gifts items. The baby wa