Politics of Grammar

Politics of Grammar

Gullah: An African-American English dialect no one understands

In line with my tradition to highlight aspects of the linguistic culture of Black America in February, which is celebrated as “Black History Mon

In defense of tautology in English

Tautology or redundancy, often defined as “useless repetition,” is undeservedly demonized in English. Expressions like “adequate eno

The time the Oxford English Dictionary forgot a word

Perfection isn’t a human quality. In the article that follows, you will read the story of an error of omission committed by the Oxford English D

A case for “flashing” to be in dictionaries

In last week’s column, I nominated “flashing”-along with “k-leg”-as a candidate for inclusion in dictionaries. Many read

Soyinka’s “K-leg” English and My Word of the Year

My first column this year is a reflection on Professor Wole Soyinka’s language use in his December 30, 2017 article titled, “Blame Passing