Politics of Grammar

Politics of Grammar

Perils of misspelling in the digital age

Technology has both helped and hurt, but mostly hurt, spelling. While spellcheck, autocorrect and autocomplete help us to effortlessly spell difficult

“Reason why,” “all right/alright,” “letter headed paper”: Q and A on Nigerian English usage

Question: I wrote a letter to my boss and used the word “demand.” He got really angry. When I asked why, he said I sounded “entitled

Why British English is full of silly-sounding words

On June 19, 2017 BBC’s Christine Ro published a humorous article with the above title. I was interviewed for the article, which can be found at

“English graduate” or “Graduate of English,” Ngugi’s Grammar, “Iconoclastic Oba,” and Other Usage Q and A

Question: I am a Kenyan and a regular reader of your Facebook page as well as your blogs. I’d like you to answer my query in your Question and A

Soyinka’s “be rest assured,” “learned colleague,” and other Grammar Q and A

Question: I read one of your articles in which you pointed out some expressions that are wrongly used or mangled in Nigerian English. One of such expr