Politics of Grammar

Politics of Grammar

“Budget Padding,” “Racist” Economist, “Tenants of Democracy”: English on the Move

One of the sources of Nigerian English that I have identified in several of my writings is linguistic improvisation. Linguistic improvisation occurs w

Transformation of “Change” from God Term to Devil Term in Nigeria

Scholars of language and rhetoric have for long identified certain words and expressions that instinctively evoke warm fuzzy feelings in people, thate

Pains Koreans go through to Speak“Proper” English

Two issues inspired my decision to republish the article you will read below. First, in my January 24, 2016 article titled “Those Annoyingly Fak

Re: Zuckerberg, Facebook and why Hausa is a “unique” language

 We may reject the idea of the ‘uniqueness’ of Hausa as a language, but can we fail to appreciate some of its fascinating or striking

Zuckerberg, Facebook and why Hausa is a “unique” language

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg sparked a raucous socio-linguistic debate in Nigeria after he disclosed in Lagos that Facebook’s platform now s