Politics of Grammar

Politics of Grammar

Q and A on the grammar of titles and forms of address

What does the term “professor emeritus” really mean? Is it acceptable to address a married woman as “Princess Mrs.” or “

Fight corruption, fight stagnation

There is no patriotic Nigerian who is not in support of President Buhari’s oft-repeated determination to “kill corruption before it kills

Vocabularies of discrimination in the media against immigrants

A reader of this column called my attention to this fascinating article you will read below. Originally titled “Migrants, Refugees, and Expats:

Q and A on Nigerian media English misusage, demonyms, and word usage

Question: Is this sentence grammatical: “The state governor, Aminu Masari, INFORMED THAT about 2.9 million doses of the vaccine are available fo

In Jamaica, English is a ‘Girlish’ Language

A September 6, 2015 story in The Jamaican Gleaner about Jamaican boys resisting English because it is considered “girlish” is at once surp