Politics of Grammar

Politics of Grammar

Can people’s writing styles be used to guess their identity?

A senior White House official known to members of the New York Times editorial board wrote a damning opinion article about President Donald Trump last

Nigerian English words you won’t find in any modern dictionary

Nigerian English is filled with words that are either exclusively invented by Nigerian English speakers or that are retained from long forgotten archa

It’s “Academic,” not “Academician” Q and A on Nigerian English errors and usage

Although many Nigerians, including Professor Wole Soyinka, use “academicians” and “academics” interchangeably, they are in error. Find out why in toda

English words that make Nigerians say the opposite of what they mean (III)

23. “Who send you message?” This is a Nigerian Pidgin English expression for “who asked you to do it?” or “stop being a

Do we lose our emotions when we speak English as a second language?

I apologize again for not concluding the series I started three weeks ago on Nigerian English expressions that make Nigerian English speakers say the