Politics of Grammar

Politics of Grammar

Violating the Mother Tongue by ‘Emergent English-phobic TC-intellectuals’ in Nigeria (II)

Continued from last week   From secondary to tertiary levels of education, a student’s competence in English and excellence in education we

Violating the Mother Tongue by ‘Emergent English-phobic TC-intellectuals’ in Nigeria (I)

My column last week about the tendency by everyday people to defend mediocrity in English usage among the Nigerian elite ignited an interesting debate

Response to defenders of presidential grammatical boo-boos

Every time my grammar column calls attention to grammatical infractions by members of Nigeria’s political class-from former President Goodluck J

Nigerian words and expressions that are untranslatable into English

I’d planned to write this article last week, but the egregiousness of the grammatical transgressions in President Muhammadu Buhari’s Democ

Buhari’s Democracy Day speech is a grammatical embarrassment

People have asked why I have never subjected President Muhammadu Buhari’s English to the crucible of grammatical analysis like I did former Pres