Pretty Much Everything

Pretty Much Everything

On ‘Ships’

Some young footballer allegedly put all of his earnings and property on his mother’s name with the result that now he is divorcing, his wife has got n

On selfishness as a 21st Century ‘virtue’

These days, we seem to be bombarded with calls to embrace selfishness as a way of life. On social media, in self-help books, and in various op-eds, we

On the middle daughter

I have a new novel out this week: The Middle Daughter. It is a retelling of the Greek myth of Hades and Persephone, set in Nigeria and the United Stat

Cash cows

I recently watched a video of a young woman living abroad, who was crying and lamenting that her brother in Nigeria, to whom she had been sending mone

On bigotry and ethnic jingoism

The last few weeks have been terrible to deal with on Nigerian social media. From the trending “Lagos is not a no man’s land”, which is basically a do