Pretty Much Everything

Pretty Much Everything


Years ago, I knew a girl who was very smart. Not too long ago, I wondered what she had ended up doing and asked about her. Apparently, she made good g

The elections and the rhetoric of bigotry

My father-in-law, Rene, was born in Brussels. He lost his parents as a toddler in the early years of WW2, and was fostered by a family in a small Flem

Nigeria is still deciding

So… Naija elections done come, but as I’m writing this, it isn’t over yet. Apparently, votes are still being counted in lots of places, and resu

On narcissism

I’ve been thinking a lot about social media and narcissism. In the popular Greek myth, Narcissus was rather full of himself. So much so that when he s

Presidential Election: Hope is not a strategy

I met up with some Naija friends for dinner over the weekend, and of course the elections dominated a huge part of the conversation. Over goat meat pe