Pretty Much Everything

Pretty Much Everything

Colourism and Nigeria: Two truths and a lie

Let’s play a game called “Two Truths and a Lie.” I’ll state three things, one of which is a lie. If you can pick out the lie, you win. Here are my thr

The real cost of corruption

I logged on to Facebook and saw that a school building had collapsed in Jos, killing at least 20 students and injuring many more. Students who’d been

On disrespect and speaking up

I had the misfortune of sitting in front of a really loud, opinionated Naija man on a flight from the US recently. He was chatting with two women he h

Stop romanticising our suffering

Someone brought up “our resilience as Nigerians” in conversation not too long ago, and I was annoyed. My vexation was amplified by the fact that he sa

Ubuntu: A person is a person because of other people

Lately, I have been contemplating the Southern African philosophy of ubuntu. One of its most well-known expressions is the Zulu proverb “Umuntu ngumun