Pretty Much Everything

Pretty Much Everything

Let punishment lead the change

Not that long ago, a 30-year-old Naija man (who apparently has a baby) was arrested in the UK for sexting a minor. He was aware of her age, but he wen

The poor also get sick

Someone very close to me has been admitted to the hospital, and in the past few days, I’ve been spending a lot of time with them there. They have nurs

GoFundMe-ing our way out of insecurity?

The first time I heard of GoFundMe, it was because a young man had shared a link on Facebook about needing to raise a few hundred dollars to enable hi

A Triptych: The trouble with Nigeria in three stories

While I have been away, unplugged from everything and everyone except my family, Naija Twitter has been on a roll. So much to catch up on! First, ther

We need new proverbs

Apparently, the actor Emeka Ike said something about his wife in an interview, then she went online with his son and they said stuff about him too. I