Pretty Much Everything

Pretty Much Everything

Entitlement and other issues

A friend told me recently of how some random stranger slipped into her DM to ask for help to pay their house rent. She had no idea who this person was

Fake drinks, greed and the festive period

It’s almost Christmas. In my home, as in many others, the decorations are up. I love the season for its joy, for its reminder that in a world full of

Odellectuals on social media

It’s open season for foolishness on Naija social media it seems. Every day, another silly post from someone who thinks – completely undeservedly ̵

For better or for out

On the 30th of November, a Mr. Owoeye Alex Adekunle posted on Facebook that his sister was murdered in the UK by her husband: “This is to officially a

The poor are also with us

It always amuses me how we – by which I mean Nigerians – like to celebrate wealth. On any given day on Elon Musk’s Twitter (the platform I