Prof. Brainy

Prof. Brainy

Show Your Work!

A story was told of a famous writer who was invited to speak to a bunch of aspiring writers. So he walked into the room and asked: “how many of you wa

The Easiest Way to Remember People’s Names

I shamelessly enjoy telling the following story. Shameless because the story gives people the perception that I’m smart. But it is true. What is true?

Why Studying At Night Could be Bad For You

  Why studying at night could be bad for you When growing up in Minna, we used to go to school with Haruna Baba Bulus who was a year ahead of me.

Why Are Good Writers Bad Speakers?

A certain minister who was an excellent writer gave a speech somewhere. It was one of his first speeches as a minister after his appointment by the Pr

Nigerians Are Too Rational and Why That’s Bad for Us

(Read to the end to see an answer to a trending controversial question.) Let’s examine an experiment conducted by psychologists and economists where p