Prof. Brainy

Prof. Brainy

Do we still need libraries in the internet age? (II)

The present day: Whether forged by fire or faith, libraries before the 18th Century did not operate the way they do today. In his paper on the history

Is Aliyu Isa Aliyu the youngest most published Nigerian?

Almost a year ago, I met Dr. Aliyu Isa Aliyu (staff of the Federal University Dutse) at an event in Abuja. There, he introduced himself as a recent Ph

Mr President, keep our borders closed

National security and economic development are settled interests for every nation. Nigeria is not an exception especially as regards her border closur

Do we still need libraries in the internet age?

“When in doubt, go to the library.” – J.K. Rowling This talk will be viewed through three angles: (1.) Access – cost, discrimination throu

Still on the disinterest from northern Nigeria

My friend, Adamu Tilde, raised some thought-provoking comments on the problems associated with mentoring in northern Nigeria after I wrote a piece on