Prof. Brainy

Prof. Brainy

How to be better than your professor

Do you want to be better than your professor in class? Well, it’s difficult to be better than someone who has put in many years in the field and who h

The next Level after the elections

The 2019 elections are over. But they left for us a lot of lessons to learn. One can deduce many things to study, but before this let me congratulate

Who is the victim and who is the culprit?

Here’s a version of a popular story. I picked it up from the car radio on my way to IBB University Lapai on Thursday. A headmistress commissioned a ph

Zamfara politics and the Yarima factor

That Senator Ahmad Sani Yarima is the father of Zamfara politics can only be disputed by mischief-makers. Ever since the beginning of the Fourth Repub

A 3-sentence letter to the president

Dear Baba Buhari, before 2015, and since, all the recruitments into the so-called juicy federal parastatals go to the children of the big shots and it