Prof. Brainy

Prof. Brainy

My blind friend who uses iPhone

“Please support your analysis with proof. Thank you,” Abdulrahman Awal replied to one of the commenters on my Facebook post.  It was

The serial marginalization of Niger East

In the realm of Nigerian politics, no word or phrase has been so abused as the word “marginalization,” especially as it relates to groups

My only grouse with Buhari’s administration

Only a recent drive to Akwanga, Nasarawa State, a former federal lawmaker asked me a question.  He’s the chairman of a tertiary institution

Time to appoint Chief Imam for National Mosque

The delay from controversies over the appointment of a Chief Imam for the National Mosque Abuja has become of concern to the Muslim Ummah. In Islam, t

PMB’s health: Gloating is of no value

I learnt an enduring lesson on the day General Sani Abacha died. It was June 8, 1998, and death had laid its icy hands on the maximum ruler, and the s