Prof. Brainy

Prof. Brainy

How Planting Trees Today Will Make You Wealthy and Happy Tomorrow: The Science of Legacy Building

Recently, a dear friend shared a poignant meme with me. It depicted a young boy tenderly giving a stick as a stake to a tiny seedling, offering it muc

Are You A Fox Or A Hedgehog?

Isaiah Berlin, the famous Oxford professor and president of Wolfson College, categorized writers into two groups. A writer, he said, is either a hedge

10 Incredible Reasons to Plant More Trees

In today’s rapidly changing world, the power of planting trees is often underestimated. However, these silent guardians of nature offer an array of be

Prompt Engineering: The first job AI created

Ever wondered if AI is going to swipe your job like an overenthusiastic DJ? Hold onto your resume, because we’re about to embark on a rollercoaster ri

How the war in Sudan is being fought in our neighborhoods

I visited Alhaji Umar Alkali recently in Minna and found him busy arranging documents in neat piles. His two daughters dashed in and out of the house