Prof. Brainy

Prof. Brainy

How to Turn One Tree into 100 Trees: Unlocking the Magic of Air Layering

Last week, I visited a friend’s 11-hectare farm where he told me that he was planning to buy more fruit seedlings to plant. “With the number of trees

Why ChatGPT’s stories are boring and one way to fix it (III)

You might have already guessed that this story also lacks the important element that makes stories sticky. But what is this crucial element?…

The third generative AI that I asked to write a story is the most popular one, ChatGPT

Here’s the output: Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst rolling green hills, there lived a young girl named Maya. Maya had always been

Why ChatGPT’s stories are boring and one way to fix it

All artificial intelligence language models write boring stories. The stories they generate are quite basic. Left to their own devices…

Student Loans: Lessons and Insights from Other Places

President Tinubu of Nigeria recently made headlines by signing the student loan bill into law, marking a significant milestone in the country’s