

Multilevel car park is thriving business in Lagos

Statistics elsewhere show that Lagos now plays host to over two million cars out of the about 15 million vehicles in Nigeria. Experts project that abo

Kaduna needs new layouts – Surveyor

Is the proliferation of new structures all over Kaduna metropolis a sign of growth and development?Because of its strategic location and former capita

Impunity and Abuja infrastructure challenge

Certainly, that would have been praiseworthy, if the administration had at least a year or two to its demise. Unfortunately, to all intent this could

‘Dearth of skilled artisans in building sector worrisome ‘

He said that artisans and craftsmen constitute an important component of the value chain in housing delivery and essential for the production of well-

Surveyors proffer solutions to construction disputes

The implementation of Nigeria’s infrastructural development master plan and other agenda for rapid infrastructure transformation of Nigeria has led to