

How bricklayers, block industries supply substandard blocks for building projects

For many rely on the roadside block industries for the supply of blocks for their building projects, their experiences are not many good as many suffe

Kano to build 5,000 housing units for teachers

Kano State Government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  with Family Homes Funds Limited for the construction of 5,000 units of homes for

FOCI establish skills academy for construction artisans in Abuja

The Federation of Construction Industry (FOCI) has established an academy for training those who are employed and those yet to be employed in masonry,

Funding still a challenge to estate developers – Urban Shelter GM

Urban Shelter is well diverse and active in these states

‘We deliver houses to our clients without stress’

We went back to the drawing board and we were presented with two critical options