

Parody of absurdities: Nigeria, a nation of great potential

This series, in two installments, is an excerpt from a lecture delivered on the occasion of the commemoration of Mrs. Oluranti Odutola’s retirem

The demise of a scholar-diplomat

You should be reading our Reflection on Nigeria’s 55th Anniversary as an independent nation, especially in an era where hope of change and natio

Buhari’s Long Walk with the Nation

President Muhammadu Buhari’s long walk along with the nation from decades of decadence characterized by despondency, justified dark cynicism fou

Hundred days of Buhari: Body language & beyond

Hundred days in power of any ruler’s governance has now become the crucial period of reckoning- of rendering initial account of stewardship. Thi

Gospel according to Fada Mai Kuka (FMK)

I find this article so intriguing and instructive that I offer it as a guest column this week. My column returns next week. And it came to pass, when