Saturday Column

Saturday Column

When Someone You Love Dies

This is not a tribute. To wite a tribute would be too hard for me at this point. It would mean writing about all that you embodied in your short stay

For The Love of Fasting

Once upon a time, fasting was done for primarily religious reasons or for the purposes of a political protests. Christians and Muslims have fasted sin

Maternal, New-Born and Child Health: Why Are We Still Here?

“Women are not dying because of diseases we cannot treat; they are dying because societies have yet to make decision that their lives are worth

Glaucoma: A Silent Thief

World Glaucoma Week is designed to spread awareness and understanding about the importance of early detection of glaucoma, the world’s second leading

Where are our numbers?

Eight years ago, on a similar weekend like this, I woke up in the morning, charged with energy. I had slept fitfully the night before, as I anticipate