Saturday Column

Saturday Column

No Honour Among Thieves

The classic proverb holds that, “There is honour among thieves.” The meaning, of course, is the concept of “professional courtesy,” that even the disr

The Wrath of God: Is Turkey paying for its sins?

Ignorance is bliss, or so they say. While Nigerians are lamenting the lack or absence of cash, the scarcity of fuel and the general deplorable state o

“Noma ate his face”

Hassan* has half of a face. Yes, you heard right, half a face! You see, he wasn’t born like this. On his first birthday, his mother noticed a small so


In the medical world, the prefix ‘hypo’ is added to an entity to indicate loss or a reduction in quantity of that thing. So, for example, hypocalcaemi

Medical Errors: Clinical governance as the way forward

A long time ago, during my days as a house officer in the labour ward, I delivered a young woman of a healthy baby girl. After the vaginal delivery, a