Saturday Column

Saturday Column


The myth of Santa Claus or Father Christmas as he is more popularly known in these parts, is a legendary character originating in Eastern Christian cu

The long Journey Home

December is for the holidays. Period. After working for a whole year, I believe it is only befitting that I get to pack my bags and go home to relieve

Little White Lies

Some months ago, a wedding I planned to attend was postponed. Barely 48 hours to the date, the father of the bride called the groom’s father and asked

A Typical Nigerian Week: Tomori’s Tears, Travel Apartheid and Sokoto’s corpses

About eight months ago, when the COVID vaccine was first brought to Nigeria, a friend jokingly said to me: ‘I hope this vaccination does not become li

Shisha: A borrowed Nightmare

A few months ago, a young man came to me seeking answers. Kabir* had developed a persistent cough over the past few months. His chest hurt and breathi