Saturday Column

Saturday Column

Gluttony: Where faith meets science

These days, out of sheer pressure and an increase in diseases related to our lifestyle, Nigerian doctors are forced to open weight loss clinics. What

Lost But Found: Nine Years After the abduction of the Chibok Girls

Last week, on the 21st of August, many Nigerians woke up to the news of yet another rescue of one of the many Chibok girls in captivity. The Nigerian

Rejoinder to a call for the repeal of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria Act

The last five years have been tough for all Nigerians too, it is not limited to foreign-trained medical doctors. The basis for the call to repeal the

Sociocultural Determinants of Abuse (I)

Abdullah ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Every one of you is a shepherd and is responsible..

Let The People Breathe…

On Tuesday, July 25, the red chamber passed a motion by Senator Akintunde Abiodun to halt the planned electricity tariff hike. After the prayers were