Saturday Column

Saturday Column

Medical Fraud: The elephant in the room

Years from now, students of law, and perhaps history, will look back at this year and document it as a turning point in the medico-…

In Search of Greener Pasture

Their stories are all the same. Tales of poverty, ignorance, and helplessness. Some of the faces are sad, grief shining through their…

What’s Love Got to Do with It?

Our society expects us all to get married. And with only rare exceptions, we all do just that. However, getting married is a rather co…

As Baba Bows out…

There is a popular saying, that the proof of the pudding is in the eating. This especially holds true for the current administration that will soon en

Colouring Outside the Lines

“I won an Oscar, for ‘The Bachelor And The Bobby-Soxer. And that was one of the worst nights of my life. I should have been exhilarated but I wa