Saturday Column

Saturday Column

Medical Fraud: The elephant in the room

Years from now, students of law, and perhaps history, will look back at this year and document it as a turning point in the medico-legal profession. T

“The evil that men do lives after them…”

“The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.” These insightful words were spoken by Marc Antony in Shakesp

Is the Malaria Vaccine the Answer to Our Problems?

Dear anti-vaxxers, there is a new product in the market. On April 17, 2023, the Nigerian government approved a new malaria vaccine from Oxford Univers

Binani: The Audacity of APC

A very long time ago, I overheard a group of doctors (all men) discussing the limited number of doctors they had in their department. While perusing t

Giving Back to Society or Modern-Day Slavery?

Nigeria is a funny country, I tell you. Every time I become depressed about the state of this country, something always comes up that makes me burst i