Special Report

Special Report

COVID-19 lockdown: Consumers lodge 2,715 cases of power interruptions, 953 unsolved

• Operators, groups rate services Despite assurances from power firms on improved services during the five-week lockdown over the new coronavirus (aka

COVID-19: Policy reforms critical to economy’s post-pandemic growth

With the unprecedented disruptions of Nigeria’s socio-economic systems by the COVID-19 pandemic over the past two months, experts believe that moving

Revenue restructuring, non-oil taxes key to people-oriented growth – Analysts

Fiscal and economic development analysts have canvassed the need for a radical review of the nation’s non-oil revenue generation policy frameworks and

COVID-19 Pandemic: A viable fiscal approach towards Nigeria’s economic sustainability

The Nigerian economy is not new to shocks, most of which were externally induced. The first culprit of such shocks had been public sector revenues and

Nigeria’s recovery‘ll take years amid structural defects of economy

Economic and policy experts have advised the Nigerian government to adopt far-reaching proactive economic policy measures as strategic options towards