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Entrepreneurship Blog Niche in Nigeria

When becoming an adult, several things start to bug you; reality and uncertainties start to roll in. You begin to wonder, ‘will I be able to sup

7 Auto Insurance Myths

If you are new to auto insurance, you would have heard a lot of information and whatnot on the policy, coverage, costs, etc. Some of them are half-tru

Phase3 Telecom partners with YahClick to offer world-class high-speed, low-latency satellite broadband services in Nigeria

Phase3 Telecom, one of Africa’s leading independent aerial fibre optic network infrastructure and telecommunications service providers, will par

These Distractions While Driving Cause Serious Injuries to Others

Accidents due to distracted driving are a problem all around the globe. As the number of drivers and cars increases on the streets, usually so does th

Teenagers Allowed to Drive Trucks Amid Supply Chain Issues in US

Until now, the legal age to drive trucks for interstate supplies was 21 years old, but now an apprenticeship program launched that allows 18-year-olds