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UKEAS Study World: Do you want to study abroad and work after?

Do you want to study abroad and work after? YOU CAN! Explore study and work opportunities with UKEAS by attending the biggest educational fair in Afri

Creating interpersonal influence every leader needs

Do you understand the daily impact of your influence on the people around you? Are you looking to learn how to develop interpersonal influence when re

Designing a Flexible Organization and Engaging Innovative Ideas for a Competitive Edge 

Every day, leaders can make or break organisations through their actions and decisions; they set the tone for an organisation’s position in any

Agile Innovation is the key to unlocking Nigerian Organisations’ Success in these volatile times

In today’s volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous context which currently characterises the operating context of Nigeria, organisations must be fl

Survival at Stake: innovate or die with Insead Professor in Lagos

Ever wondered why High-performing organisations are more agile and are particularly adept at turning challenges into opportunities? It is because they