Sunday Column

Sunday Column

All assets already publicly declared

Some people think that the assets of General Muhammadu Buhari are a big secret. The law requires him to declare his assets before assuming office.  Kn

A respectable reboot

I am delighted to learn that in 2023, General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) will not be seeking a third term. In ‘A Letter from the President at New Year,’ h

Propaganda and conscience

“I sit here with a clear conscience,” Major-General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd) last week appealed to Mary Beth Leonard, the new ambassador of the United S

Reaction To Miss Jamaica Winning

About six years ago, one Mr. Goodluck Jonathan attracted a reputation for ineptitude. Jonathan was president of Nigeria.   But critics called him “clu

Buhari countdown calendar: 1264 or less

When I inaugurated this countdown six months ago, Muhammadu Buhari was at the beginning of his second term and had 1444 days left in office. But I mus