Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

Grow if you want your throne (1)

Galatians 4:1, 2, “….as long as the heir is a child, he does not differ at all from a slave although he is owner of everything, but he is

The basis of Christian prayer (II)

We concluded last week’s article on Christian prayer with one of the qualities of true Christian prayer, namely the glorification of God. True C

Keep the hedge intact to retain your blessing

God’s intention is for you to increase even from a humble beginning. God is able to take you from wherever you are right now and make you bigger

The basis of Christian prayer (I)

There is a popular Nigerian Christian song that speaks of the importance of prayer in the life of Jesus Christ. The lyrics of the song read thus: &ldq

The ‘mammonisation’ of religion in Nigeria (1)

Many friends have asked me what my view on tithes and tithing is. Is it right to pay tithe or not? I am not sure my answer is Yes or No. But I will tr