Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

Of Pharisees, hypocrites, and national healing

If there is one thing that all Nigerians agree upon, it is that our country is sick. I can bet with you that this is not intended to be a pun. It is t

5 Things descendants suffer for the sins of their ancestors

Scripture Reading: 1Samuel 30:1-8  3 major battles There are three major battles you will fight as a Christian: 1. The battle to keep your salvat

Christianity and national transformation (5)

In today’s Nigeria, where honesty and truth have become scarce commodities and endangered species, we cannot hope to build a society marked by j

God’s purpose for making you great

We have been cowed (falsely) into believing that wanting to be great or famous is a bad thing and evidence of carnality and worldliness. Because of th

Christianity and national transformation (4)

Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) was a man of tremendous moral courage. Like Bonhoeffer, he too embodied the resistance of Christian faith to totalitaria