Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

Forgiveness in the Christian life (1)

The issue of forgiveness is a perennial religious question. It is a theme that runs through the entire Gospel. We meet it at the very beginning of the

Non-negotiable requirements for growth

“Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” Job 8:7 This is the mind of God: GREAT INCREASE!! It doesn&r

5 major benefits of praying right

James 5:13-18 James 5:16, “…The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” We are living in perilous times. There

Where are our prophets? (1)

I went to Mass at the small worshipping community in Dantata and Sawoe Construction Company, around the old CBN junction today, as I have done since J

Afflictions of a bleeding society (II)

In the story of the Last Judgment (Matt. 25:31-46), Jesus highlights the importance of the corporal works of mercy for our salvation. Those who enter