Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

Using your fame and reputation well

Fame and reputation are not bad. Before you chew me up, read what I have to say. Christians have been cowed (falsely) into believing that wanting to b

Between God and Caesar: Christians and the challenge of politics

Whenever the word politics is mentioned in relation to faith, many Christians of today get rather nervous. Our minds go back to the old biblical injun

How to keep your miracle

 God blesses and God intervenes in people’s lives through miracles. But miracles can be lost. The question is why? Why do people lose their

You are destined to excel (Part 4)

Text: Daniel 6:1- end 16 Things that took Daniel to the top 14. Effective partnership. Helpful Company. You remain small when you walk alone. But with

Values in an age of upheaval

The humanity of the 21stcentury appears to be in a situation of desperation and perplexity. We are living in an age of great cultural revolution. Our