Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

You are destined to excel (Part 3)

Text: Daniel 6:1- end 16 Things that took Daniel to the top 9. Daring and prevailing faith. He was a man of faith. He knew and believed in God. He lea

The death of Christianity in Nigeria

In 2004, a BBC report noted that Nigeria is the most religious country in the world. “Over 90% of Nigerians said they believed in God, prayed re

The audacity of prophetic responsibility

George Orwell once said that, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Right now, we are living in diffi

You are destined to excel (Part 1)

Text: Daniel 6:1- end The Bible says you shall be the head and not the tail. God did not create you to be at the bottom. The top places belong to you.

The cry of anguish, the cry of hope

“With the weapons of love, God has defeated selfishness and death. His son Jesus is the door of mercy wide open to all.” – Pope Fran