Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

Nigeria not dead, cannot be buried

In Nigeria, various efforts raging from civilian to military have been employed to save Nigeria from total death and burial. These efforts from Zik, A

Change, what is that?

“Is this the change we bargained for? Is this the change we were promised?  Do you call this a fulfillment of the campaign promises? Things

Living by faith in the time of economic downturn I

Kenneth Copeland said that the man or woman who lives by faith never has to change their life style because of the times. Our economy is powered by he

The joy of marriage and family life

On April 8, 2016, the Vatican publicly presented the long awaited Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis on marriage and the family. The d

The need for credible leaders

The role of competent leadership There is need to have competent leadership for nation building. A nation or any team for that matter rises or falls w