Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

I am a professional politician

A young man walked into my office recently and introduced himself to me. He was beaming with smiles as he told me that he was my student years back in

Operating with the mindset of Jesus

Philippians 2:5-8, “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:[6] Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equa

Trading on ethnic rivalry

Ignorance of history often leads a people to repeat the mistakes of the past. People with short memories presume the capacity to ride on the back of a

The reward of spiritual stewardship

Most Christians regard God as someone you go to only when you are in need; when you have a problem to solve, a life-threatening illness, or when you a

When war becomes business

It appears that the echo of the giggle of the Nigerian Civil war is still resounding with a subtle thunder clap: “To keep Nigeria one is a task