Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

Educate, don’t impeach, the president

If you have remotely opened any eyes or ears recently, you are most probably convinced, if you were not, that global warming is real.  In parts of Eur

12 keys to winning the battle against forces of stagnation (III)

(…continued from last week) 9. Warfare Fasting. Unusual warfare requires unusual weapons. Fasting is a force in the spirit world. When the disci

Long legs

People with long legs are those who like to jump protocol to get whatever they want. They are never patient to wait for their time or turn; they are a

12 keys to winning the battle against forces of stagnation (2)

Last week we looked the first four keys: Reject the status quo, Change your thinking  – guard your thought, Confess all sins- personal and ances

Pope Francis the pilgrim of peace

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (John 14