Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

Look unto God for restoration (I)

Ezra 1:1-11 The Book of Ezra is a very fascinating book giving an account of the return and restoration of Israel from exile in Babylon. Here is the s

The secret of a satisfying life (II)

(Continued from last week) Last week we looked at the life of King David Apostle Paul. Jesus said concerning Paul; he is a chosen vessel to bear the n

General judgment and covid-19

In the interactive session on the Nigeria Television Authority (NTA) with the public in the program anchored by the Nigeria Inter-Religious Council (N

The secret of a satisfying life (I)

One of the commonest complaints I hear frequently is that things are not working well or not working at all. Why are things working for some and not w

God is making the world humble

The inventors of nuclear, atomic, biological and all sorts of weapons of mass destruction in the world are being brought to their knees by COVID 19. S