Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

Power for change

Luke 5:17-18; 24-26, “And it came to pass on a certain day, as he (mentor) was teaching (information), that there were Pharisees and doctors of the la

A blessing in disguise

As 2019 rolled to the end, no one could predict that a pandemic was in stock for us.  Corona virus was first reported to the World Health Organization

How to deal with tangible and real fear

Fear and unbelief are robbers. They rob people of God’s best for their lives. Fear will come to everyone but it does not overcome everyone. You need t

Reconciliation and justice: A path to peace and development

Peace is the foundation of progress and the bedrock on which development is anchored in any nation and society. Peace, a product of development transf

Four major reasons Jesus went to the Cross

Good morning and Happy Easter to you and your loved ones! Easter is one of my favourite seasons. For me, it is always a season of deep introspection l