Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

The end of the world is God’s secret

The fear and panic in the world today could kill easier than Corona virus. Fear can lead to despair hence we must not forget that life and death are i

How to deal with tangible and real fear

Fear and unbelief are robbers. They rob people of God’s best for their lives. Fear will come to everyone but it does not overcome everyone. You need t

Is the world coming to an end?

Now that many people are living in grave fear and no one is sure of tomorrow, I looked again at my Doctoral thesis that I published as, “Human Life, H

Truth, dialogue and peace

The quest for truth has been a perennial desire even in the face of crisis and death. This is because truth is liberating. Truth is divine and eternal

Dealing with the pandemic – be safe not brave

We pause our series on faith to talk about the Coronavirus (Covid-9) pandemic. We shall continue with the series next week. Matthew 2:19-21 “But