Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

The reason for the season

Christmas has come and gone! We all say goodbye to 2018 as we wish one another a happy and grace filled new year 2019. The reason for all the celebrat

No position is permanent

Whenever I think about the state of affairs in the world especially when some people live without the fear of God by allowing their greed, power and c

Who is the true Messiah?

Most people are looking for a Messiah, but they don’t have a way of knowing who it is. So, God had to give us a sign that puts every argument to an en

Wise people give thanks

A Professor asked the students to prepare for the surprise test. The students waited anxiously for the test to begin. The Professor handed out the que

When failure becomes a teacher

Human beings naturally fear failure, especially the failure that could lead to suffering here and hereafter. The mission of every responsible human be