Sunday Sermon

Sunday Sermon

When a woman is a mother, sage and therapist

The future of every child depends largely on the mother. From the mother the baby in the womb gets nourishment and after birth, the child survives on

Why you may be finding it difficult to get married

Many singles are complaining that it is getting more difficult to get married either because they are not finding the right person or because of their

Are Nigerians asking for too much?

I was at the departure hall of the Chief Margaret Ekpo International Airport in Calabar. My flight to Abuja had been delayed for about two hours, no b

Forces of stagnation and how to deal with them (II)

(…continued from last week) Spiritual assassins. Why do great people fall? We have seen political, religious, civic, business, or family leaders, sudd

When failure becomes a teacher

Human beings naturally fear failure, especially the failure that could lead to suffering here and hereafter. The mission of every responsible human be